There is no circumstance in which elder abuse is acceptable. Elders are some of the most vulnerable people in the U.S. population, and they deserve to be honored and respected.
While the vast majority of nursing homes treat their residents with dignity and respect, unfortunately, some nursing home facilities do not. The abuse some nursing home residents endure is unfathomable.
Sadly, about 1 to 2 million Americans over the age of 65 have been abused or neglected by the people tasked with their care and protection.
When you know the different types of nursing home abuse, you have a better chance of identifying them. Here are the six types of nursing home abuse:
#1 – Physical Abuse
This type of abuse occurs through the use of physical force and can result in:
- Bodily injury
- Physical pain
- Impairment
#2 – Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse occurs when non-consensual sexual contact of any kind occurs with an elderly adult.
#3 – Psychological Abuse
Psychological or emotional abuse can occur when anguish, pain, or distress is inflicted as a result of verbal or non-verbal actions.
#4 – Financial Exploitation
This type of abuse occurs when someone illegally or improperly uses an elder’s:
- Funds
- Property
- Assets
#5 – Neglect
Neglect occurs when an individual refuses or fails to fulfill their caregiving obligations to an elderly person.
#6 – Abandonment
When an individual who has physical custody of an elder or has assumed responsibility for caring for the elder deserts the older adult, abandonment occurs.
If your loved one has endured abuse in a nursing home, we may be able to help you and your family reach justice. Elder abuse is always inexcusable, and we want to do everything possible to see that abused elders receive justice.
Call Dempsey Kingsland Osteen today at (816) 484-3776 or reach out to us online for a free consultation regarding your case.