Improperly Loaded Freight Truck Accident Lawyers in Kansas City

Cargo Loading Negligence in Truck Accidents

Even when truckers are driving safely, they may unknowingly carry a dangerous load. When freight handlers are negligent in stacking cargo or strapping it down, it can injure innocent people if the load shifts suddenly or unsecured materials fall from the truck.

The Kansas City improperly loaded freight attorneys at Dempsey Kingsland Osteen have the experience and resources to identify the liable parties for truck accident injuries stemming from improperly loaded freight. We can handle cargo-related accidents involving 18-wheelers, flatbed trucks, delivery trucks, construction vehicles, and other commercial vehicles.

Call (816) 484-3776 for a free consultation and aggressive representation.

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Unbalanced Loads in Truck Accidents

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issues rules for securing cargo on trucks and trailers. The regulations are specific about methods and mechanisms for stacking, balancing, and tying down freight, and even more restrictive for transporting hazardous materials.

In the aftermath of a crash, our Kansas City truck accident attorneys and their hired experts are skilled at identifying how improperly loaded freight directly or indirectly caused our clients’ injuries.

It’s possible that the accident was caused by:

  • Shifting freight that caused the truck to veer, tip, or jackknife
  • Unbalanced loads preventing the driver from steering out of a crash
  • Boxes, pipes, ladders, tarps, and other objects falling off the truck, striking cars behind or causing them to veer and collide with other vehicles
  • Freight coming loose and hitting the other vehicle
  • Poorly secured hazardous cargo creating a fire or toxic exposure

Seasoned attorneys Lee Dempsey, Bob Kingsland, and Jason Osteen excel at establishing negligence and – just as importantly – maximizing compensation through negotiation or at trial. We emphasize the future impact of the serious and major injuries common in trucking accidents.

We are committed to acquiring full value for your claim for an accident that wasn’t your fault. Contact us online or at (816) 484-3776.

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