Although collisions between motor vehicles are usually given more attention, pedestrian accidents can be just as deadly, and are becoming more common. Unfortunately, Missouri pedestrian accidents are on the rise.
It is expected that Missouri will experience more pedestrian fatalities this year than in 2010. According to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), in 2010 there were 57 pedestrian deaths in the state; as of September this year there were already 54.
A pedestrian is at greatest risk for getting hit by a vehicle when he or she is leaving a stalled vehicle or walking on the side of the road, these activities are involved in 60 percent of pedestrian fatalities.
Safety officials recommend that motorists who experience a flat tire or other car problem while on the road turn on both their headlights and hazard lights. If possible, motorists should pull far over on the right shoulder and remain in the vehicle with their seatbelt fastened.
If it is necessary for the driver or passengers to exit the car they should exercise caution, and be aware that other vehicles may have difficulty seeing them. Motorists also can call *55 on their cell phone for highway patrol assistance.
Although MoDOT is unsure what factors may be responsible for the recent increase in pedestrian accidents, the organization is taking action by launching a campaign called “Be Safe, Be Seen, Arrive Alive.” Messages promoting pedestrian awareness will be displayed on social media, web banners and digital message boards.
Source: KOMU, Pedestrian Deaths Expected to Exceed 2010 Total, Kristen James, 15 November 2011
What are the Main Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?
What are the main causes of pedestrian accidents? MoDOT accident analysis cannot yet determine a single avenue for the increase in pedestrian accidents, however they do believe making drivers more aware of pedestrians is a great course of action to reduce pedestrian accidents.
How Long Does it Take to Settle a Pedestrian Accident in Kansas City?
Every pedestrian accident is different, and how long a settlement takes depends on different factors. As a result, pedestrian accident settlements can take anywhere from a few months to years to resolve. The severity of the injury you suffered in the accident will play a large part in how long the case takes. Additionally, if the insurance company tries to dispute your compensation, it can turn into a lengthy lawsuit.
What are the Main Causes of Pedestrian Accidents
Partners Lee Dempsey, Bob Kingsland, and Jason Osteen are accomplished doctor negligence attorneys in Kansas City who have secured substantial verdicts and settlements in medical negligence cases. They have over 100 years of combined experience, which they can use to develop a winning strategy that is well-supported by evidence. Our team conducts a thorough investigation and consults with medical experts to determine if a physician negligence claim is viable. We are committed to achieving maximum compensation for clients who have to suffer through no fault of their own.
Where can I Find the Best Pedestrian Attorney?
We are often asked, “Where can I find the best pedestrian attorney?” The pedestrian lawyers at Dempsey Kingsland Osteen are the best in Kansas City. A pedestrian is completely vulnerable and suffers terrible injuries from the impact with the car or from going airborne and landing hard on the street. We have secured damages for brain injury and spinal cord injury, as well as broken bones, torn ligaments, facial injuries, and severe lacerations. We have also won wrongful death damages for fatal pedestrian accidents.
We work closely with medical consultants, life care planners, economists, and other professionals to determine the extent of the injury and the long-term needs of our clients. Armed with a solid case, we can hold out for a settlement for full damages or take the case to trial. Contact our pedestrian lawyer today.