Motor vehicle accidents involving commercial trucks are some of the most deadly. The recent increase in Missouri deaths from big rig auto accidents has highlighted the importance of this issue.
According to the Highway Patrol, last year 120 people lost their lives in Missouri truck accidents. This is a substantial increase compared to the 105 fatalities that occurred in 2010. The increase in deaths is also somewhat surprising considering that there were actually slightly fewer big rig accidents in the state.
“Sometimes that happens because you have accidents where you have multiple people killed in one accident. Unfortunately, when you’re dealing with a vehicle that weighs 80,000 pounds that happens on occasion,” explained a Highway Patrol Captain.
Missouri has also recently experienced an overall increase in the number of roadway fatalities. This is the first time there has been an increase in auto accident deaths in the state since 2005. These statistics hopefully bring increased awareness to the issue of road safety, and the importance of motorists obeying traffic laws and driving carefully.
With regard to accidents involving tractor-trailers, the Highway Patrol Captain explained that accidents are more often caused by the driver of the passenger vehicle rather than the truck driver. Motorists should make sure that they give semis enough space on the road. The large size of commercial trucks prevents them from stopping or maneuvering as quickly as cars. Additionally, passenger car drivers should be aware that if they can’t see a truck’s rear-view mirrors they are likely in the truck driver’s blind spot.
Source: KMOX, “Big Rig Accident Deaths Rise In Missouri,” Brian Kelly, June 18, 2012.