Birth Injury Attorneys in Kansas City

Compassionate Legal Services for You and Your Child

At Dempsey Kingsland Osteen, our Kansas City birth injury lawyers understand that families experience pain and grief when a baby has been injured during birth. In addition to their anguish, families with an infant suffering from a birth injury do not know what the future holds. Will the baby recover? If not, how severely disabled will he or she be? Will the baby grow up to be an adult still requiring care because of the birth injury? How will you afford the special education services the child will require?

Our experience as medical malpractice lawyers has shown that families who can obtain compensation for their injured child have been able to alleviate this fear and anxiety. With compensation they are in a much better position, emotionally and financially, to provide the expensive care, education, and resources the child may need for the remainder of his or her life.

To talk about how Dempsey Kingsland Osteen can help you recover compensation for the injury to your baby, contact us online or call toll free at (816) 484-3776.

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Types of Birth Injuries

Difficulties during pregnancy, labor, and delivery can cause a wide range of problems for a newborn baby.

Common types of birth injuries include:

  • Temporary paralysis
  • Fractured collarbone
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Fractured arm
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Brain damage
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Brachial Plexus Injury

The most serious birth injuries are those that cause damage to the infant’s brain. Injuries to the brain can result in seizures, intellectual disabilities, or loss of bodily functions. Such damage can result in the need for lifetime care.

Causes of Birth Injuries

Birth injuries can result from so-called “normal” birth events. The umbilical cord may be wrapped around the baby’s neck or or the baby’s position may be breech. It’s also possible that labor is so prolonged that oxygen to the baby is interrupted.

While such events may be “natural,” the medical response to these occurrences can mean difference between a health baby and a baby with a birth injury, with some of these injuries resulting in life-long disabilities.

Our lawyers have handled a wide range of birth injuries, including those caused by:

  • Delay in performing a C-section
  • Untreated uterine rupture
  • Improper use of forceps
  • Failure to monitor the baby’s heart rate in utero
  • Improper administration of maternal pain medication
  • Failure to address meconium staining
  • Incorrect estimation of baby’s size
  • Improper use of medical devices, such as IVs, oxygen monitors, and heart monitors
  • Failure to identify lack of oxygen to the brain

How Long After a Birth Injury Can You Sue?

In Missouri, the statute of limitations for birth injuries is well beyond two years.

Connect with a Skilled Birth Injury Attorney in Kansas City for Expert Assistance

If your baby suffered an injury during birth, contact an experienced and sympathetic birth injury attorney as soon as possible. Our birth injury lawyers in Kansas City have helped many families obtain the compensation they need to move forward. We obtain financial settlements and verdicts that put families in a much better position to care for a child injured during birth.

Contact Dempsey Kingsland Osteen at (816) 484-3776 to schedule your free consultation with a Kansas City birth injury attorney near you.

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